Photo by Priscilla Du Preezon Unsplash

He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
Proverbs 13:20

The company we keep is important. The friends we have influence us in one direction or the other. We must have discernment in our social relationships, a vital area of family vision.

Parents, for your children, You ARE their discernment while they are still young. That is your job as a parent. 

Part of developing healthy social relationships is the development of social skill. These skills are so important as children become young adults and then become adults seeking employment. People with good social skills, who know how to wisely, correctly treat others and build relationships, go much farther and faster than adults who do not know how to interact well with others. 

Studies from the Carnegie Institute of Technology revealed that 15% of success in a career is the skill/expertise/technical knowledge, while 85% is due to skill in relationships – personality and the ability to relate to and lead other people. (Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People)

A family with vision will work to build wise, healthy relationships and the skills that go along with them.

As part of inventing the future of your family, have a vision for your social health! Do not just think about what is now – think about what could be in the future! Work to cultivate wise, healthy relationships with those around you.