Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

God’s Word (not me!) says that women are weaker than men, and that men should value them and care for them.

Weaker in what way, you might ask? Are women weaker mentally than men? Certainly not! The valedictorian of the college I serve at is often a woman! Are women weaker spiritually? Definitely not. Are women weaker emotionally Well,…sometimes….maybe alot?….maybe sometimes not at all. 

But those areas are not the main thrust of this passage.

Are women weaker physically than men? Absolutely they are. It is God’s design, it is God’s plan, it is God’s template that men are stronger, bigger, faster, and generally taller than women. 

And men are to be aware of that fact, and to put a value (honor) on their wives. When something is very valuable, what do you do with it? You protect it!

Men are made to be protectors. It is in our nature. It is in our physical design.

It’s 2:00AM and there is a loud noise downstairs in the house. Both husband and wife wake up. Who goes downstairs to check on the noise? The husband!  It is built in to our nature as men!

Men are also spiritual protectors. We are also to lead our families spiritually (Ephesians 5) and that means protecting them from anyone who would negatively influence them. 

I protect my marriage by making wise decisions. 

I protect my children from negative influences and evil on the internet.

Perhaps the best illustration of a protector is a lion. A lion’s roar is one of the most powerful things in nature. I remember we were at the zoo with my family and we were on the other side of the zoo –  far away from the lion enclosure – and you could still hear the lion roar from far away. And when it roared it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It makes you “stop in your tracks”. A lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles/8 kms away! And while all of that is interesting it’s even more interesting to study why a lion roars. 

Scientist have discovered that a lion roars for several reasons. Sometimes a lion roars to warn off intruders. Other times a lion roars to startle prey so it’s easier to catch. Other times a lion roars to reunite his pride members who have been scattered. Sometimes a lion roars to attract a female lion (I’m sure you knew that). But the most interesting reason a lion roars is that he roars to declare dominion. 

When a lion is in his own territory within his own domain, he will roar multiple times over the course of several hours – usually at night – when the pride is most vulnerable. The lion roars as if to communicate “I have dominion over this land, I am protecting and leading this pride.” The roar also sends a reassuring sound of security to the members of the lion’s pride. 

Men: when was the last time you roared?  When was the last time your family felt your protection and leadership in their life? When was the last time your family felt secure because of your presence?[2]

Real men are protectors.

[2] This illustration is largely from Tony Evan’s book “Kingdom Man”. I highly recommend it.