Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.

Psalm 24:1

One day when the English theologian and preacher John Wesley was riding back home after a time away, someone came running up to him as he approached the area where his home stood, saying, “Your house has burned down! Your house has burned down!” Wesley replied, “No, it hasn’t, because I don’t own a house. The one I have been living in belongs to the Lord, and if it has burned down, that is one less responsibility for me to worry about.”

One of the most important growth moments in the life of a believer is when they come to realize that everything is God’s and we are just the managers.

God owns everything and everyone on earth, and God has appointed us as His management.

If we are called to manage what we have been given, we should have a plan, a vision for our financial lives.

I am not talking about fanciful dreams about being a billionaire. I am talking about a real, solid, plan and vision for managing and growing what you have been given. 

Here are a few practical goals for family finances:
Start living on a budget
Get out of debt
Start saving every month
Start a new job/career or something on the side

Just examples, but these are vision! These are goals, plans, something to pursue. Your debt will not pay itself off. You will not magically have the money to pay your electric bill at the end of the month if you don’t save for it, etc.

A wise family has a vision for the story of their financial future, and they take steps to write it. They manage what God has given to them for His glory. 

What kind of vision (preferred idea of the future) do you have for your family’s finances?